I finally figure out that the cause of violence to children and women is the lack of self respect and love that we have.
Violence is caused by abuse of power and is leading to become something unstoppable since everyday someone for any reason is being abuse and hurt. Women are the ones who suffer more since are the ones that stay at home with their husbands, taking care of children, doing laundry, etc. Sometimes being lack of voice because of fear of what’s going to happen or just because they have a big heart capable of loving even the most harming thing.
Violance towards women or children is not only physical, is also sexual and psychological, for example Latin America is known for having the countries were violence is seen the most.
In the case of children is even more traumatic since even babies are hurt sexually and physically. For example in Colombia a year ago a little girl of a town in Bogota was sexually harassed by a distinguished political man in Colombia.
So what we can see even more nowadays is that even the person that seems to be okay they aren´t and we cannot trust everybody .
Children are the ones in my opinion that take longer to recover and maybe making them develop diferrent type of behaviors during puberty and adult age.
Violence is seen in different ways, maybe because of the type of culture. In United States that is something that is seen constantly but consequences toward the aggressor arte taken immediately. In Colombia they have improve a new law towards the aggressor, but in Siria violence is something normal.
Violence needs to be stopped, the world needs a healthy and happy society, full of children with no traumatic experience and women capable of succeeding and make a change.
Women and children need to have a voice, need to be heard and understand, children victim of violence need to be able of living equally as other children and women victim of violance of any type needs to feel accepted by society. We need to make a progress and make society be conscious of the harm that their action can produce. Justice needs to be found and all aggressor need for the health of any victim be punished by the law.
The worst type of violence toward ourself is poverty of heart , since is also lack of love and respect. For me I want a safe world where I can grow a family and raise my children, without the fear of getting hurt by others even the ones I trust.
As Susan Sontag said nobody can think and hit someone at the same time. We as a society need to start thinking and worrying about others feeling since at the end the ones with lack of love are the ones who hurt others and the ones with lack of power are the ones that think that the only solution to fix a problem is called VIOLANCE.