Compare and Contrast of " The World on the turtles back" and "Genesis"
For my first blog I am gonna make for you guys a compare and contrast of two myths.
" The world on the turtles back " and " Genesis"
For this two myths there are a lot of similiraties like that the woman for both of the stories is the one who go against the rules.They show the duality of good and evil and both of the myths gave the animals an important role (birds,fishes,etc). In the "Genesis " the children of Adam and Eva named Cain and Abel can be compared to the twins since one of them is the evil and the other is the good one. Something that also can be compare is that both myths share a same element that is the sacred tree, since i know all of this, i can tell that the myths share a same purpose and is to speak about what it means for each one, the creation of the world.
The differences in this case are that in the turtles back story there are many gods in comparison to the "Genesis" that is only one God, in the story the woman wants to eat the bark because she was hungry in the "Genesis" instead Eva wants to eat the fruit to be more like God.
Some other differences are that in " the world on the turtles back" there is already land created, oceans and trees meanwhile in the "Genesis" shows that once there was nothing in the earth and God took 7 days to created it all.
And to conclude, the total opposites of this myths are that in the " Genesis" God create humans by taking dust from the ground and breathed into a breath of life, meanwhile in the other myth humans are created by one of the brothers with clay and pottery baked on fire. Also something totally opposite is that evil in the "Genesis" was something that was unwanted and was considered a bad thing meanwhile in the other one it brings balance to the world.

Sofia Estupiñan
" The world on the turtles back " and " Genesis"
For this two myths there are a lot of similiraties like that the woman for both of the stories is the one who go against the rules.They show the duality of good and evil and both of the myths gave the animals an important role (birds,fishes,etc). In the "Genesis " the children of Adam and Eva named Cain and Abel can be compared to the twins since one of them is the evil and the other is the good one. Something that also can be compare is that both myths share a same element that is the sacred tree, since i know all of this, i can tell that the myths share a same purpose and is to speak about what it means for each one, the creation of the world.
The differences in this case are that in the turtles back story there are many gods in comparison to the "Genesis" that is only one God, in the story the woman wants to eat the bark because she was hungry in the "Genesis" instead Eva wants to eat the fruit to be more like God.
Some other differences are that in " the world on the turtles back" there is already land created, oceans and trees meanwhile in the "Genesis" shows that once there was nothing in the earth and God took 7 days to created it all.
And to conclude, the total opposites of this myths are that in the " Genesis" God create humans by taking dust from the ground and breathed into a breath of life, meanwhile in the other myth humans are created by one of the brothers with clay and pottery baked on fire. Also something totally opposite is that evil in the "Genesis" was something that was unwanted and was considered a bad thing meanwhile in the other one it brings balance to the world.

Sofia Estupiñan
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