As a Colombian i want to see my country in a position of wealth in every economical, social and political aspect, so the next essay talks about the election process that move every Colombian to take a decision.

The 2018 election process occurred on March 11 of this year with the objective of choosing the members of the houses of congress. These elections have caused a lot of polemic since are constituted by two candidates who stood at the former bases they have and the political party they belong.  One of them named Ivan Duque that belongs to the right party and Gustavo Petro that belong to the left party that also are going to be the candidates for presidency.
This elections have a lot of controversy since every Colombian was worried for the future of our country , a lot of Colombians  decide to raise their voice and vote, being  17,8 million of Colombians who vote, letting clear that it was time to take action in the matter.
This election process began at 8:00 am and end at 4:00pm, in which Colombians were only able to vote if they showed their citizenship card, this elections  also have a technical process in which at the time to start voting each Colombian needs to choose a card with the option of the candidates. This process have a horrible mistake with the lack of cards of some political partys making Colombians complain hysterically since they had the hope that their opinion of this elections won. In the moment the elections closed, the votes started to be counted and sent to National Electoral Council and start again counting the votes realizing little by little the result until they have a final result in which everything is decided.
This process was very important and very significant, because after 50 years of battles and war against FARC they were going to be able to vote even though they removed from their political party and gave up to the opportunity of gaining people to their side.

In the run­-up to this elections , it has been, although the fundamental purpose of this democratic appointment was to elect a new congress, the interparty consultations ended up taking the greatest interest in this opinion. But , like everything else , there where positive aspects for some and negative to others, this seen reflected in the lack of interest of Colombians or the corruption that exist in this area due to the price of buying votes knowing its illegal.
Me as a Colombian I am just waiting and seeking of justice and benefits to leave the future generations, I hope that new processes develop from now to the future making Colombia instead of failing to the eyes of other countries prosper to achieve better quality and support making a grow in economic, social and political areas.

All this process is making a huge impact on the history of our country and making a change in the way of thinking of so many people. Finally letting the House of Representatives with one hundred sixty two members and the Senate with one hundred two.


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