How Christmas must be celebrated?
Christmas as one of the most important holidays of the year is celebrated in different ways, Christmas has not a especific way to be celebrated and it most depends in how your family and loved ones celebrated, commonly Christmas has a religious way to be celebrated but the society has created another one and for me this should be the ways.
Religiously Christmas should be celebrated with a margen as a symbol of the miracle That is the birth of Jesus and the importance that has in Christians, it should gather all of us in family sharing love, hope and faith and bring reconciliation to one another and with ourselves. In many countries some traditions are to go to church and gather with all the community or sing some carols outside neighbors houses. Religiously Christmas should bring us closer to Jesus and his life.
In the other side socially Christmas is a party, a tradition that even the ones who do not believe celebrate. This date is used to gather all the people that you love, have not seen in a while or maybe just because you want to meet new people. Christmas, socially is commonly celebrated in a house, great music, great food and presents, Christmas is a moment to share memories, feelings, laughs and love. Christmas encourage people to decorate their homes with trees, lights and even in hot places with fake snow.
Personally I think that Christmas has only one motive but that has not to be an impediment to the ones that do not believe; to share and reconcíliate with the other and take this holiday as a emotional and meaningful way find ourselves and find God.
This date should bring the both ways of celebrations together, Christmas deserve to be a party with the ones you love, sharing presents and food because that’s the way we express love, a party in which besides eating or talking we can pray and give thanks together and thats what Christmas is all about, bringing together all our hearts to a only one purpose, learn that the birth of Jesus was a gift and that he was the one that gave his life to save us.

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