It is difficult sometimes to describe what is a virtue or what does it means. A virtue is moral excellence, are the manners that lead you to be human to humans and don’t treat them like something insignificant or meaningless.
 Virtues are the ones who let us know what is right and what is wrong, let us know what is fair and what is not fair.
Virtues are those little details that make us unique and especial and those that in a relative way let us see what is perfect and correct for each of us.
Nowadays we live in a world that has forget what does a virtue means, values and ethnic. We had loose the feeling and thought of doing right and care of others, the earth needs someone to care about it, someone that doesn’t look just to itself but outside the box, the earth  needs a lot of work to be a perfect place to live in.

Having virtues is important for living and to be able to share in community, As humans, when we have our rudder set to doing the right thing no matter what, there’s an amazing side effect: the benefit of inner peace. When we do the right thing, or make amends when we fail to do the right thing, we find we can sleep at night–our bad deeds don’t haunt our dreams or keep us up, wide-eyed and sweating, in the wee hours. A warm contentment becomes our dearest friend. Each and every one of us can live a better, happier life by striving for human excellence.
Having virtues let ourselfs and everybody else to be thoughtfull about what we do and what is affecting the place we live in, someone with solid virtues isn’t capable to throw garbage in the floor because of pleasure, or isn’t capable of taking revenge in others because they don’t think as they did, or just a person without solid virtues would not think about others pain and help them. Virtues are the ones that had led so many people devolpe so many tools for human use, in cases of emergency, in cases of pain, danger and happiness. Having virtues let human kind be happy and find a way to make happy the person by their side.

Platon and Socrates were philosophers that at some point think and doubt of what was right, what was wrong and what was the name given to our inner and outer happiness. As a conclusion they said that to reach happiness and be integral and complete humans need of virtues to achive that, virtues are the ones that let human to conquer himself and then all their dreams and purposes.

Virtues that human kind have to have today basically are to be positive, humble, kind, generous, be honest, etc. trying first of all to follow Christs way of being since he manifest himself totally human. If we try every day to be simple, loyal, workers and understanding we are not just gonna be happy, we are going to let a mark in other life. This virtues we are born with them, but are reinforced at home.

To Earth be a better and good place to live in, people need to start reinforcing first their virtues and then trying to teach their sons and daughters the meaning of being morally excellent and why being a person full of values means this days for the community, that for what I see has being lost during ages and need answers to be better or to reach for what them is correct and bring others and himself happiness. 


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