Hi, My name is Sofia Estupiñan i was born in Barranquilla, Colombia the 3rd of December of 2001, I am sixteen years old and cursing last year of school. I study in Lyndon B Johnson School since I can remember and now I am preparing for bigger challenges and opportunities.
I consider myself an excellent friend, full of values and education, full of joy and love to give. I am an independent and responsible person, also very sociable. I love to hang out with my friends, read a good book, listen to music, dance,etc. enjoy life every single day. I don’t like fake and dishonest people, because I consider myself very honest and kind.
I hope the best for my life, be a better version of myself every single day, affront situations with forgiveness and strength, always thinking in not hurting anyone. I hope for success and love in every aspect of my life.
My life is composed by my dad, my mom, my brother and friends, my life is just as common as others´ lives, but is special in its own way. My life is based in God and his teachings and has guided me throughout my whole life.


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